Application security refers to the practice of identifying, mitigating, and preventing vulnerabilities and threats within software applications to ensure their confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

Importance of Application Security

Verticiti is a leading name in the realm of application security, dedicated to providing robust solutions that safeguard digital assets and user data. With a strong focus on cutting-edge technology and proactive measures, Verticiti’s application security offerings encompass a comprehensive range of services. These services include thorough vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, code reviews, and security architecture evaluations. By identifying and addressing potential weaknesses and vulnerabilities within applications, Verticiti empowers businesses to fortify their software against cyber threats and attacks.

// Work model

Secure Development Lifecycle (SDLC)

The Application Security Lifecycle (ASLC) is a structured and iterative approach that organizations follow to integrate security measures into the entire lifecycle of software development.

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Web Application Firewall (WAF)
WAF is a critical component of modern cybersecurity strategies designed to protect web applications from a wide range of online threats.
Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP)
RASP is an innovative cybersecurity approach designed to bolster the security of software applications during runtime.
Vulnerability Management
Vulnerability management is a critical component of modern cybersecurity strategies aimed at safeguarding digital assets and data.
Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)
SBOM is a structured inventory that provides a detailed breakdown of the components and dependencies within a software application.
Software Composition Analysis (SCA)
It involves the systematic examination of software components and assess potential security, licensing issues, and overall code quality.
Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
Static Application Security Testing (SAST) is a fundamental component of modern software development and cybersecurity practices.
Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)
DAST is a vital methodology in the realm of cybersecurity, specifically tailored to evaluate the security posture of software applications.
Mobile Application Security Testing (MAST)
It is a crucial phase in the development and deployment of mobile apps to ensure their resilience against cyber threats and vulnerabilities.


Web Application Firewall (WAF)
WAF is a critical component of modern cybersecurity strategies designed to protect web applications from a wide range of online threats.
Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP)
RASP is an innovative cybersecurity approach designed to bolster the security of software applications during runtime.
Vulnerability Management
Vulnerability management is a critical component of modern cybersecurity strategies aimed at safeguarding digital assets and data.
Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)
SBOM is a structured inventory that provides a detailed breakdown of the components and dependencies within a software application.
Software Composition Analysis (SCA)
It involves the systematic examination of software components and assess potential security, licensing issues, and overall code quality.
Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
Static Application Security Testing (SAST) is a fundamental component of modern software development and cybersecurity practices.
Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)
DAST is a vital methodology in the realm of cybersecurity, specifically tailored to evaluate the security posture of software applications.
Mobile Application Security Testing (MAST)
It is a crucial phase in the development and deployment of mobile apps to ensure their resilience against cyber threats and vulnerabilities.
// our partners

Trusted Partnerships

At Verticiti, we believe in the power of collaboration and strategic partnerships. Our commitment to delivering exceptional Microsoft-based solutions is amplified through our strong network of partners.